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Everything You Need to Know About My Imposter Syndrome Career Coaching

Imposter Syndrome Quote

There can be a lot of unknowns about a coaching programme – and it’s a big investment to make if you feel uncertain!

So this blog post is designed to help you understand everything you need to know about my signature Imposter Syndrome career coaching programme:

“Banish Your Imposter and Discover Your Naked Confidence.

My “Banish Your Imposter and Discover Your Naked Confidence™” Programme has been designed using my years of experience and expertise to deliver you a permanent transformation in your mindset, overturning your limiting beliefs, and turning your inner critic into an inner cheerleader.

So read on to discover everything that’s included in the Programme!

I hope you find it useful – and if you have any further questions when you get to the end, do please email me on kirsten@kirstengoodwin.co.uk – I’d be happy to help.

1. 75 minute sessions

Over the years, I’ve discovered 75 minutes is the optimum coaching length session.

It gives us enough time to look back at your progress, and reflect on the session/ agree follow-up actions at the end, as well as dive deep into powerful coaching conversation or tools during the session.

I also find 6 months the right amount of time for this Programme: it gives us enough time to really embed the changes that you gain from the coaching.

2. Sessions held fortnightly (around holidays!)

When we’re working to deliver transformational change, as in this programme, fortnightly is the right length of gap to allow you to really practice what you’ve learned in the session, but without losing momentum in between.

(Different coaching programmes with different goals are held at a different frequency – eg my Interview Intensive is weekly, and my ongoing Nurture Coaching sessions are held monthly.)

Sometimes there may be a slightly longer gap due to calendars, or half-term etc, but we stick to that fortnightly schedule as much as we can.

Sessions are held during school hours (usually between 11am and 3.30pm – I aim keep the mornings free for my Deep Work time – but there is flexibility, especially to take account of time zones!).

3. Coaching delivered online (Zoom)

Since I started my business I’ve always used Zoom.

I live in a little village in Suffolk (rural east England), and online coaching enables me to help people all over the world: I’ve had clients in New York, Texas, Jakarta, Vienna, Berlin and Geneva, as well as in my local town.

It makes it really easy for you to access my coaching conveniently during your day, without needing to travel.

And I find the online space offers the opportunity for a real authentic honesty to develop.

(The only difference post-coronavirus is that other people have now heard of Zoom too!)

4. Powerful unconscious tools and processes

The main body of my coaching sessions primarily take two forms.

The first is a powerful conversation, where I question, reflect, and challenge you around your thinking, your assumptions, your limiting beliefs, and your language.

This is the core of coaching.

My job is to help you find the answers that are already deep inside you: you are not broken and I am fixing you. You’ve just lost the way to access your own answers – and that’s what I help you do.

But I also use another important coaching form: transformational coaching processes where we tap into your unconscious.

This helps by bypassing you conscious (not always helpful) brain, to get to the truth and power within.

This is the most effective way to truly uproot deeply held limiting beliefs.

(As one client said after one of my most powerful processes, “this changes everything!”.)

I will often ask you to practice these processes at home: when we’re trying to reshape your brain (using the power of neuroplasticity), consistent repetition of new patterns of thought is crucial.

5. Worksheets for homework

Over the years I’ve developed worksheets to support the coaching from the sessions.

These either help you become more aware of habits of thinking or action that are often unconscious (and often unhelpful).

Or they help you think in a deep and structured way about certain aspects of you or your thought processes.

One of the principles of my coaching: self-awareness is the first step! (You can read more about this in this blog.)

6. Personalised coaching to a proven overarching plan

All my clients are different, and their coaching is completely personal and tailored to you.

As “X Factor” as it sounds, I call it a journey that we walk together, and each client’s journey is unique.

However, through my experience I have also developed specific themes or processes that I find particularly effective for tackling Imposter Syndrome or helping you develop your Naked Confidence™.

Depending on the person, these may be applied differently to individual clients, or in a different order (or sometimes not at all).

The Three Pillars of my “Banish Your Imposter and Discover Your Naked Confidence™” Coaching Programme are:

  1. Self-awareness: knowing who you are, deep down
  2. Self-empowerment: learning how to create an internal cheerleader and banish that internal critic and those limiting beliefs
  3. Self-fulfilment: understanding exactly what you want in your career and how to get there – and how to do this with balance, and without stress.

So there is an underlying structure which helps to ensure we get you to where you want to go on your journey by the end of our time together.

(If you click on the links, they will take you to a blog about each Pillar.)

7. Frequent contact between sessions via WhatsApp/ email

I’ve discovered that the way I like to coach is high-touch: while you are my client on this Programme (and after!), my role is to be your inner cheerleader until you develop the skills to be your own.

What that means is reminders and encouragement between sessions, using either WhatsApp or email (whichever you prefer).

It also means I can help you with situations as they arise, rather than you having to wait to tell me about them at our session.

(And contact doesn’t stop after our coaching finishes – all my clients are part of my Naked Confidence™ Club, which means I am there supporting them and looking out for them permanently.)

8. A DISC personality report

DISC is a powerful form of personality profile based on four different styles: Dominant, Influential, Supportive and Conscientious.

First, you answer a single page of multiple choice questions (it takes about 10 minutes).

You then receive a c18 page report on your style, your strengths, areas for growth, communication and leadership style, and an analysis of the difference between your “public self”, your “private self” and how you respond to stress.

All my clients find this an enlightening part of the process.

9. Me in your corner! 😊

The world needs more women in positions of power, and my coaching purpose is to help you fulfil your potential in the role (and salary) you deserve – without being held back by your undermining inner critic or limiting beliefs.

As my client, you get me in your corner, using my professional expertise, highly-sensitised empathy and deep, warm encouragement to help you achieve this.

To me, being your coach is a privilege that I take very seriously, and I am grateful to all my clients for trusting me to help them succeed, and thrive.

Are you looking to understand more about my Coaching Programme, “Banish Your Imposter and Discover Your Naked Confidence?

Then you’ve come to the right place! 😁

Read on to find out about:

  • 1) the client: who is this Programme for, and more importantly NOT for; what makes someone coachable; and do I work with men and women (yes), etc?
  • 2) the process: how much time do you need to invest; how are sessions set up, etc?
  • 3) the coach (me!): what qualifications do I have; why did I become a coach, etc?
  • 4) the investment: eg can you pay in instalments; is there a refund policy; will I help you ask your organisation to fund your coaching, etc? (The answer to all of these is yes btw!)
  • 5) and the results: how quickly will you see results; can I help you with a specific issue, etc?

You might want to read everything, or just to dip into the sections that you have questions about.

I hope you find it useful – and if I have missed any of your questions, get in touch and let me know! kirsten@kirstengoodwin.co.uk or do please come to find me on LinkedIn 😊


✴️ Who is this Programme right for?

This Programme is right for anyone who is struggling with Imposter Syndrome, and they want to find ways to overcome it, so that it doesn’t continue to hold them back and prevent them from fulfilling their potential with ease.

My clients are usually successful and ambitious professionals. Some have just achieved a major career goal, taking on a position with a lot more leadership and management responsibility than before (for example, I work with clients who are in their first job as Managing Director of an organisation, or as Head of Department).

Some are progressing well, and have their sights set on higher things (for example, I work with clients who are at senior levels in large organisations, and know they want to keep moving up the career ladder, or clients who already run their own successful professional practice, and want to keep growing it).

Some are coming back into the workplace post-redundancy, or a career break, and want support to make that transition as effective as possible so they can quickly thrive back in that professional environment.

But what they all have in common is a struggle with their inner critic, which leads them to unhelpful habits, or self-defeating behaviours.

And this is something I work with them to change.

✴️ What is Imposter Syndrome?

There are a number of definitions of Imposter Syndrome, but the one I like best is: “a persistent feeling of being unworthy of one’s status or success” [Collins Dictionary]

This feeling of unworthiness can be conscious – the aspect of Imposter Syndrome we’re most familiar with, where someone is aware of feeling like a fraud and fears being “found out”.

This is the voice in your head in meetings stopping you from speaking up; or going in circles afterwards beating you up for saying (or not saying) what you did; or pushing you to take ever more courses because you need objective evidence of your expertise.

But that feeling can also be unconscious, and drive behaviours like overachieving, overworking, or not asking for help, wanting to prove to yourself (and everyone else) that you can do it.

You may not be conscious of feeling like a fraud, but that deep-rooted sense of unworthiness drives dangerous patterns of behaviour.

It can also manifest itself in unproductive behaviours, such as struggles with overflowing inboxes, or “dropping things” – that negative voice is closely connected with negative habits, which undermine our abilities to perform to our best.

It’s hard to set firm boundaries with ourselves, and crucially, with others, when we don’t value ourselves and our time sufficiently.

I specialise in helping my clients banish their Imposter, in whatever form it takes, and instead discover their Naked Confidence™. (To find out more about what Naked Confidence™ is, please have a look at my website!)

And if you’d like to know which Imposter you are (there are five main types), please click here to take my Quiz.

✴️ Who is this Programme NOT right for?

Coaching can help anyone improve their life and career – that’s the magic of coaching.

However, this programme is specifically targeted at people with Imposter Syndrome, struggling with their inner critic and its impact on your career.

If you have a strong internal cheerleader already, this Programme is not for you.

Plus, there are also characteristics, behaviours or beliefs that will mean the coaching will not be as successful as it could be.

This programme is not for you if:

  • you don’t WANT to change
  • you’re not open to guidance
  • you don’t believe you CAN change
  • you aren’t willing to be open and honest with me
  • and most importantly, you aren’t committed to taking action.

I can’t fix you.

This is a journey we walk together, but YOU have to do the work.

✴️ Do you work internationally or just in the UK?

I work solely over Zoom (and have done since I started my business, way before coronavirus!). This means I coach people from my next-door village, and also all over the world.

I have clients in Jakarta, New York, Texas, Geneva, Berlin and Vienna. (Plus, I also deliver training internationally: from China and Hong Kong to India, South East Asia, and the Middle East.)

The only constraint is from time zones, but so far we’ve always managed to find a time that can work for both of us.

One of the aspects of my business I love the most is the opportunity to work with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

✴️ Who is your typical client?

I have a personal and unique relationship with each of my clients, but there are some common themes.

  • More of my clients are women than men, roughly three quarters, but I do work – and enjoy working – with men (in fact, one of my longest-standing clients is male).
  • Most of my clients are between 30 and 50, but I also have clients who are in their early twenties, and in their early sixties.
  • Most of my clients work in a professional capacity in some way: civil servants and policy-makers, some with areas of specialism like communications; lawyers, architects, engineers and designers; administrators and managers in charities. But I also work with entrepreneurs, who want support with overcoming their inner critic while driving forward their businesses, especially working in areas like Training, Education, or Diversity and Inclusion; or those who are on a career break, and are looking for support in confidence around either their next, or their long-term, career goals.
  • About half my clients have school-age children.
  • More of my clients are based in the UK than abroad, but I have clients all over the world.

But there are some core attributes they have in common, where their values align with mine:

  • they want to make the world a better place in some way – they want to have an IMPACT
  • they recognise they are being held back by their inner critic
  • and they are willing to take action to change that.

I am enormously lucky to be trusted by some incredibly inspiring people to support them on their journey to Naked Confidence™, whatever their individual circumstances.

✴️ Do you work with men and women?

Yes, more of my clients are women than men but I work with both (see above).

✴️ Do you work with any industry, or specific ones?

Most of my clients work in a professional capacity, and often in an area of service (civil service/ policy-maker; charitable sector; or training and education).

However, I do work with people from any industry.

Plus I also have clients who I am supporting to set up their own businesses.

I’ve recently starting working with a highly-specialised project manager, and part of our first session involved me developing my understanding of his specific context, because I do need a base-level of understanding to be able to coach and mentor him to success in his career.

But in no way do I need to become an expert in someone’s industry or business to be able to help them.

What I am expert in is helping someone overcome Imposter Syndrome and thrive in their career – and that can be applied in any context.

✴️ What makes someone coachable?

Not everyone is coachable – and that’s why I have a free intro call with all prospective clients before we agree to work together.

As I set out above, to be coachable, you:

  • WANT to change
  • are open to guidance
  • believe you CAN change
  • are willing to be open and honest with me
  • and most importantly, you are committed to taking action.

✴️ What’s your approach to Equality and Diversity?

I am a strong supporter equality and diversity, whether that’s gender, race, ability or sexuality.

I’ve had clients from all backgrounds, and love the different perspectives I can learn from them.

I have a particular interest in supporting gender equality: I believe the world benefits with more women in positions of power and influence, and the overarching mission of my business is to help women fulfil their potential, and succeed at the highest level.

Plus, following the death of George Floyd in 2020, I started a programme of pro bono coaching for BIPOC women.

I’ve just finished a programme with an African-American pro bono client to help her move into Diversity and Inclusion consulting, as I believed strongly in her mission. I am now setting up a pro bono coaching programme for a BIPOC UK Civil Service FastStreamer, to help them get the best start possible in their career.


✴️ How much time do I need to invest?

The Programme consists of 6 months of sessions, each 75 minutes long, and these are usually held fortnightly (to get the right balance between time between sessions to process and practice, and keeping momentum up).

However, as with most things, you get out what you put in!

If you just turn up to those sessions and do nothing in between, you will not get as fast or deep results as someone who practices between sessions.

On average, you might have 1-2 hours of actual homework each fortnight (eg worksheets, or doing some analysis or writing I’ve asked for). But this is tailored to you – if you really can’t manage it because of the pressures of work and other responsibilities, then we manage without.

However, the big effort between sessions will be putting into practice the mindset tools and techniques you learn.

This is not something that takes extra time per se, but it does take effort to challenge your negative thought patterns, and to remind yourself of your new, more empowering thought processes.

So to get the best results, the time requirement is not large – but it does require committed, regular and consistent effort to change your thought patterns.

This is because of something called neuroplasticity – the way the brain literally changes its biological make-up depending on the thoughts you think.

To find out more about this, read my blog, “How to Use Neuroscience to Help Your Career“.

✴️ How does it all work? (How are sessions set up etc?)

After our intro call, we agree a date for our starting session.

I send you a calendar invitation with a Zoom link in it, the Contract, plus a Pre-Coaching Questionnaire (to dig a bit deeper into your goals for our journey).

I also send you an invoice with terms as we agreed on our intro call – either payment in full up front by you or by your organisation, or in instalments. Plus we set up our WhatsApp!

Then, once we’ve started the Programme, at the end of each session we agree when we will have our next session.

The aim is fortnightly, with some leeway depending on diaries or holidays.

I tend to see clients in one of three slots during the day: late morning (c 11am), early afternoon (c 2pm), and – when I’m not homeschooling – mid-afternoon (ie c 3.30pm). I will send you a calendar invitation for the next session, with the Zoom link attached.

Most people have already downloaded Zoom, but if you don’t have it I can give you instructions on how to do that.

Then all you have to do at each session is to click on the Zoom link, and be let into our coaching room where I will be waiting!

✴️ What happens in a session?

I always tell me clients, these sessions are YOUR TIME, for you to use how you want.

We start our journey by agreeing the priorities you want to address or things you most want to change during the Programme, and I will shape the sessions with those goals in mind.

However, if you have a short-term crisis – a difficult decision, an issue with a team member or a colleague – and you want support with that during our session, that’s what we will do.

We will review progress towards our overarching goal throughout the journey, with a special focus at the mid-point, and make sure we finish with you having made the most progress possible.

✴️ How long does a session/ the Programme last?

Each session lasts 75 minutes (I found one hour just wasn’t quite long enough to review , make progress in the session, and set homework and goals for next time! 75 minutes is just right for me. )

The Programme takes 6 months.

✴️ What if I need to change a session?

That’s fine – I know life and work diaries change and stuff happens!

I ask for 48 hours notice if you want to change a session (24 hours if it’s due to illness).

My diary does get full so I will do my best to provide you with a suitable alternative, but there may be a bit of a delay.


✴️ What is your background?

If you want to read the my full story, please click here for my blog, “The Tale of Kirsten Goodwin“.

For the potted version, read on…

I had my first panic attack in a meeting, three weeks after starting my first proper job. I had my second on the way to work the next morning. I went on to build a highly-successful career in the UK Civil Service, travelling in Tony Blair’s cavalcade, negotiating for the UK in Europe, and as Head of Strategy in the National Crime Agency. But all the while, I was continuing to suffer, in silence, terrified I’d get found out. ​ It took years of self-discovery before I finally realised how I’d been undermining myself through my negative internal voice and undermining limiting beliefs. I learned powerful tools to free myself of these, and create instead my own internal cheerleader – and I went on to thrive in my most difficult role yet. I had discovered my Naked Confidence™. ​ I re-trained as a coach, so I can now use my career experiences and coaching expertise to transform other ambitious women’s self-doubt into unshakeable self-belief. ​ That’s my mission: to help you discover your Naked Confidence™ too – so you can succeed in that high-level dream job with the salary to match.

✴️ What qualifications do you have?

Apart from my university degrees (MA in Ancient and Modern History and MSt in South Asian History from Oxford), my formal coach training was delivered by the man who invented the Lightning Process, Phil Parker, at his Training Institute (PPTI).

I tested a number of different coach training providers, including ones certified by the International Coaching Federation.

But ultimately I chose to train at the PPTI because I experienced more profound transformation during my taster with him than with the others.

If I wanted to become a coach, I wanted to become the best coach I possibly could, and get my clients the best possible results. (And I haven’t been disappointed.)

My qualification is Coach, NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, and I use all of these skills (plus my career expertise) in our sessions, as appropriate.

I am fully insured and registered with my professional body, the British Institute of Hypnotherapy and NLP.

✴️ What is your coaching mission?

I believe the world is a better place with more women in positions of power and influence.

I want to use my career experiences, and my coaching expertise, to transform ambitious professional women’s self-belief into Naked Confidence™ so that they can fulfil their potential – both professional and financial.

And I want to do it in a way that fits around my family.

I believe I have the best job in the world.

✴️ What are your values?

Warmth, determination, positivity, encouragement, balance and growth.

✴️ How do I find out if you’re the right coach for me?

✅ As a first step, I suggest you spend some time reading my blogs and watching my videos (there’s a list of possible further reading at the end of this post – and a video of me singing, on YouTube, if you’re brave…).

✅ There is a mine of information on my website about my approach to Imposter Syndrome and how I might be able to help you.

✅ You could also follow me on LinkedIn: I am very active, and you will get a good sense of who I am and my coaching (and world view) from my posts: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirstengoodwincoaching/

✅ I would also suggest looking specifically at the Recommendations on my LinkedIn profile, so you can see what other clients say about me.

✅ If you’d like to learn more about Imposter Syndrome, I suggest taking my Quiz, “Which Imposter Are You?”. You will find out which of the five types of Imposter you are, plus receive some useful information via email (including some audio recordings that give you an insight into some of my coaching techniques).

✅ If you want to sample my coaching before embarking on a full Programme, you could book a Power Hour (email me so that we can find a slot in the diary).

✅ And finally, the best way to find out is by booking a free intro session with me!

This is a mandatory part of the process to becoming a 1:1 client on one of my coaching programmes, because it’s important that we both “fit”.

So this is an opportunity for you to learn more about me, the Programme, and to get a taster of my coaching style; and for me to learn about you, your goals, and to make sure we will work effectively together.

If you’re interested in doing this, then book into my calendar here or email me on kirsten@kirstengoodwin.co.uk.


✴️ How much does this coaching programme cost?

We would discuss investment during our intro call. Your investment includes all of the features and benefits outlined previously.

You can pay either in one lump sum, or payment plans are available (either three monthly, six monthly or twelve monthly).

✴️ Will my organisation pay?

Yes, it’s very possible they will: many of my clients are supported by their organisations paying the coaching fees.

This can work very well, because it gives organisations an opportunity to demonstrate they support their valued staff, and it also helps them achieve Diversity goals around getting more women into senior positions.

I can help you with this by working with you to develop a business case, written up in a formal pdf Coaching Proposal, for you to use internally. This includes outcomes for our coaching that will explicitly benefit the organisation.

✴️ Is there a refund policy?

Yes. If after your first session you change your mind (for any reason), I will refund you any monies paid.

There is no point carrying with coaching if you don’t feel able to commit to the process – it is a waste of my time, as well as yours.


✴️ What results can I expect?

It is hard to quantify this exactly, as everyone is different: people come to me with slightly different issues, or commit themselves to different degrees to actually doing the work. However…

🌟 Some clients leave having got their dream job…

🌟 …or having learned how to thrive and succeed (without struggling with stress) after a significant step up in their career.

🌟 Some tap into their latent ambition for the first time, really having the confidence to go for that big job…

🌟…or find confidence in their career choice, which means they are able to make action to help them progress towards their ultimate career goals.

🌟 And some learn how to work with the grain of who they are to help them be even more productive and effective at work, rather than feeling out of their depth and overwhelmed.

However, all my clients experience a transformation in their inner critic, reducing its terrible undermining impact, and instead building their inner cheerleader 🔥

This is the absolute core purpose of this Programme: to permanently change the way my clients view the world, and their own abilities – to help them discover their Naked Confidence™ 💪

And that has been achieved by all my clients.

✴️ How quickly will I see a benefit?

You are likely to learn something that will change your perspective even in the intro call – clients start seeing a benefit from then.

(Power Hour clients are always astonished by the impact even one hour can have.)

This pattern will continue throughout our sessions: some sessions will be more deeply transformational than others, depending on the content of the session; but you will see a benefit from each one.

This will also build cumulatively as you re-train your brain, so with each session you will be reinforcing progress from previous sessions as well as gaining new benefits.

We review your progress at every session, and particularly at the half-way point of the Programme, to make sure that I am happy you are getting the best possible results for you.

✴️ Can you help me with a specific issue?

Absolutely. You may not have anything specific you want support with – you just want to learn how to be more confident, and less hampered by your Imposter.

But clients often come to me with a particular focus:

❗️I want to feel more confident as a manager;

❗️I want to feel more confident in my abilities to be effective;

❗️I want to stop my Imposter holding me back in my job search;

❗️I want to re-discover my confidence in myself and my career after redundancy;

❗️I want to be more resilient with negative feedback.

We can work on each other these specifically during our Programme – as well as tackle the underlying issues that will pop up as we progress on our journey…

Or you might want a Programme with a specific focus on your particular issue (see below).

✴️ Do you have alternatives to your signature Coaching Programme?

Yes. My signature Programme is designed to support your however you experiencing your Imposer Syndrome, and in whichever ways you want to build your Naked Confidence™ – I can tailor it to any particular priorities.

However, I do also have specific programmes tailored to:

  • pre-interview preparation
  • post-redundancy career confidence-building
  • building confidence in your personal brand
  • getting the Naked Confidence™ to apply for your dream job

I will discuss with you which is the best option for you during our intro call.


✴️ I’m still not sure…

If you’re feeling unsure, do please get in touch, I’d be happy to answer any questions you have: kirsten@kirstengoodwin.co.uk.

Or you could follow me on LinkedIn – as I said, I’m pretty active, so you’ll get a good taste of who I am and how I coach from my posts, which are usually daily.

Or you could just email me, or book into my calendar, for a free intro call – there’s no obligation to buy, so it can be a great way of getting answers to any questions or getting a better feel for me and my coaching style 😊

✴️ Can I speak to someone who has experienced coaching with you?

You can get a very good idea of the experience of former clients from my testimonials, especially on LinkedIn.

However, if you do want to get in touch with a former client, email me and I’ll put you in touch.

✴️ How can I sign up?

if you’re ready to experience my coaching for yourself, it’s very easy: just book an intro call, either by emailing me or by booking into my calendar here: calendly.com/kirstengoodwin/intro

And that’s it! 😁

I hope you’ve found this blog post helpful 😊

And if you have any questions you think I’ve missed out, I’d love to know!

Do email me on kirsten@kirstengoodwin.co.uk or come to find me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirstengoodwincoaching/

I’d love to hear from you 😊

with much love and Naked Confidence™, always 😁💖💪

Kirsten xx


Hopefully that’s helped answer your questions about what’s included in my “Banish Your Imposter and Discover Your Naked Confidence™” Coaching Programme.

I do have other coaching programmes too, which might be more suitable for your needs (for example, specific Programmes focussing on Acing That Interview, or Re-building Your Confidence After Redundancy).

I will be adding these to my website next week, but in the meantime please email me or I will talk you through the options during an Intro Call (see below).

I’ve also added links to other blogs you might find helpful at the bottom of this blog.

If you still have questions, do please get in touch! kirsten@kirstengoodwin.co.uk.

Book an Intro Call

If you’ve now decided this is the moment for you to take action to banish your Imposter and Discover Your Naked Confidence™, the next step is to book a free 45 minute Intro Call.

This means I can find out about you, your specific situation and your goals; and you can get more understanding about me, the way I work, and how I can help you achieve those goals. And importantly, we can both decide if we “fit”. (Successful coaching is two-way relationship, the “fit” has to be right for us both.) ​ I will also give you the opportunity to experience some of my powerful coaching questions/ mindset exercises, as an insight into the kind of transformation that is possible when we work together. ​ Then if we decide to work together, I will help you choose the coaching package that fits best for your needs and budget (payment plans are available); and we can set a date for our first session! I will then send you the Coaching Contact, Pre-Coaching Questionnaire and invoice for you to complete prior to our first session – and we’re ready to go!

Book your call by booking into my calendar here, or by emailing me on kirsten@kirstengoodwin.co.uk.

Did you know there are 5 different types of Imposter? To find out which you are, take my Quiz here.

Further reading

If you want to find out more about my coaching and how I help you banish your Imposter, you can read these blogs:

Some examples of coaching tools you can use to eradicate unhelpful self-judgment: Self-Judgement, Imposter Syndrome, and How to Stop It – Kirsten Goodwin: Executive Coach & Trainer

What you need to be coachable: 7 ways to progress by being coachable – Kirsten Goodwin: Executive Coach & Trainer

9 Common Myths About Career Coaching: 9 Common Myths About Career Coaching – Kirsten Goodwin: Executive Coach & Trainer

Kirsten Goodwin

The Naked Confidence™ Coach

Hired to help female leaders feeling the pain and pressure of their position. Transforming your Mindset AND Skillset 🔥 Banish your Imposter, and find your way, your confidence, & your edge.

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Kirsten Goodwin

Hi, I’m Kirsten Goodwin

I’m an expert in helping struggling, professional women banish their Imposter Syndrome and build the Mindset & Skillset for leadership success.  I do this by

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Kirsten Goodwin | Naked Confidence Coach

Is this the magic question?

One of the most common mistakes we make – as the hard-working delivery-focussed leaders we are – is to keep our heads down and keep

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