Giving your female talent the Mindset & Skillset for Leadership Success

Are you looking to support the female talent in your professional services firm?

Do you have leaders struggling with:

  • finding their feet and delivering with confidence after a promotion
  • uncertainty in their decision-making, leading to poor management and undermining their performance
  • debilitating Imposter Syndrome that’s preventing them from going for promotion
  • perfectionist overworking with fears of future burnout
  • a lack of confidence dealing with senior stakeholders or big meetings, resulting in poor performance.

I can help - whether you want:

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"Learning in Law" Recommended Provider

“I highly recommend working with Kirsten for any facilitation work that could either be in person, virtual or even podcast/ video recording. Kirsten is super easy to work with and comes highly prepared to ensure that the outcomes are met. She has a natural tendency to relate and connect with all people which makes the conversations she has even more authentic. She has been super flexible to support and accommodate the work that we need done. I look forward to ongoing collaboration with Kirsten in the future.”

- Gary Chu

Global Programme director, HSBC University

You know how crucial it is to help your female talent succeed.

The firm, and everyone in it, benefits when there are more women speaking up, leaning in, and sitting at the top table.

The research evidence is clear – diversity delivers profitability.

Plus it’s so important for your firm to be seen as somewhere that women can thrive, especially in the current climate.

But it's not easy.

😩 You have potential stars who struggle with their self-belief.

😩 Or highly-skilled leaders who lack confidence in certain situations.

😩 Or a pool of female talent that needs a skillset & mindset boost to get to the next level.

And that's where I come in!

I’ve worked with global professional services organisations to help their female talent fulfil their potential and thrive, with a recognisable impact on the business. 


Through my powerful formula:

Mindset + Skillset = Leadership Success

Unlike most experts in this field, I believe both are necessary to succeed: 

Mindset alone, or Skillset alone will only take you part of the way; and a gap in one will undermine your effectiveness in the other.  

High-performance happens when your leaders have BOTH an empowered Mindset, AND a powerful Skillset!

Hi, I'm Kirsten Goodwin

I’m an expert in helping professional services firms support their ambitious but struggling female leaders get the Mindset and Skillset for Leadership Success.

I help your female leaders

🔥 banish their Imposter Syndrome

🔥 build powerful self-belief

🔥 plug their skill gaps (yes, we all have some)

🔥 & leverage their strengths.

Which means you get to retain, reward and progress your female talent, to their benefit, and the benefit of the business.

How good does that sound? 😄


to success


I learn about your organisational priorities and what you want your staff member(s) to be achieving; & you understand the various ways I can help you achieve these goals.


If we agree to move to the next stage, we agree the optimum package for coaching and/or facilitation to meet your goals, including agreeing pricing & timing. 


If it’s coaching, I individually meet your staff member(s) over Zoom to ensure a good fit & goals are agreed between us all. And then we get started!


The investment for a Programme of bespoke corporate coaching, or a facilitation, starts at £2000.

Book a free consultation to discuss your requirements, and we can find the right option for your needs and budget.

Want to learn more?

Download my free Corporate Coaching & Corporate Training Brochures

But do your leaders really have Imposter Syndrome?


The Birthday Suit

The Naked Newsletter for Corporates Who Want to Help Their Female Leaders Succeed

Slip into something more comfortable with my monthly email for Managers, Leaders, HR & Wellbeing: The Birthday Suit.  You’ll get exposure to the bare essentials that will help your female leaders go from struggling to leading & delivering with confidence.  Don’t be clothes-minded – your email address is safe with me, and you can strip off the list at any time.

“Kirsten’s ability to read me as a person and deliver just the right coaching, in just the right style, has been fantastic. I’ve developed a well-respected, cohesive team and I have earned respect from senior leaders within the organisation. The tools she’s provided have helped me to be effective in delivering excellent outcomes for my organisation. I am really proud of what I’ve achieved over the last year while I worked with Kirsten. I definitely recommend her as a coach!”

- Jen Maddison

Head of Health, Safety, Environment & Quality, Port of Tyne


I believe the most transformational form of Learning & Development is 1:1 coaching: ongoing support over time, tailored to the specific needs of the individual, is the best way to overcome their unique Mindset and Skillset gaps.  Everybody’s different!

Plus the powerful alchemy between an experienced and insightful coach and a keen coachee leads to incredible shifts in performance & delivery. 

Who benefits most from a coach?

Either high-performance leaders who need an extra Mindset and/ or Skillset boost to deliver & thrive, or high-potential employees who would benefit from additional skills & self belief.

I offer 3-12 month bespoke coaching that uses my powerful and proven coaching & mentoring toolkit.  

This has led to coachees being given promotion or progression, successfully taking on new responsibilities, or increasing their reputation and impact in their firm – with recognisable benefits for their teams and the business.

The only thing better than coaching?

A leadership development programme that includes 1:1 coaching, mentoring, and group training, tailored to the specific needs of your organisation and sector (eg legal).

To find out more about how I can help your leaders build the Mindset & Skillset for Leadership Success, book a free consultation.

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Why am I the Naked Confidence Coach?

I’m an expert in helping struggling professional women banish their Imposter Syndrome and build the Mindset & Skillset for leadership success.  I do this by helping them get rid of their mindset gremlins, and plug their leadership skill gaps, so they feel confident, capable & respected in their roles.

Because I’ve been there – waking up in the middle of the night worrying about the next day; feeling so overwhelmed you’re not sure you can keep going; stress levels through the roof; that horrible voice inside your head telling you – you are a failure, you aren’t good enough; and everyone can see it. 

Nobody should have to feel like this!

Click on the video to find out how I conquered my demons and learned to thrive in my career with Naked Confidence™ !

Find out how these wonderful women discovered their Naked Confidence™ with me!

Want to find out more?

Download my free Corporate Coaching Brochure to find out more about how my tailored coaching can transform the confidence, and performance, of your leaders. 

Or skip the brochure and let’s talk!

“Coaching has given me confidence in me. Confidence and recognition of my career so far and how I can use so many transferable skills in the future. Confidence that I will not always get it right. Confidence that asking for help should not be seen as not being able to do the job.

It’s been a valuable, positive, life-changing experience for me.”

- Jacks Connor-Fox MBE

Senior Manager, Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S), Ministry of Defence


Looking for an engaging & insightful expert in leadership skills to support your firms’ leaders’ development objectives? 

One that addresses BOTH how to build an empowered Mindset, and a powerful Skillset – because you need both to succeed!

I can help you excite, enthuse and upskill your leaders through one-off training opportunities or a programme of events, including:

  • 60-90 minute online or in-person lunch & learns on Banishing Imposter Syndrome, Thriving Through Stress, the Skillset for Success, and Purposeful Work. (Especially useful at Women’s Networks or for key dates such as International Women’s Day, Learning At Work Week, or Stress Awareness Day/ Week.).
  • Development and delivery of bespoke trainings on the Skillset & Mindset for Leadership Success, including Stress, Resilience, Productivity, or High Performing Teams – as a standalone or as part of a larger programme
  • Facilitation of management awaydays to help teams track progress, celebrate success, set goals, and build roadmaps to achieve them.


With over 15 years’ experience as a trainer & facilitator, with a specialism in working with professional services firms, I have created my own unique and impactful training style.  

This means that each opportunity, whether in-person or online, will be engaging as well as impactful, creating a strong bond between those in the “room”.

Book a free consultation to discuss how I can help you achieve your organisation’s goals for its female leadership.

In my participants' words...

Highly professional and engaging, highly recommended.

During 2023 I had the absolute pleasure of working with Kirsten on a number of projects and cannot recommend or speak highly enough of her.

Kirsten co-designed & delivered the Metlife Global Connect event, connecting with over 40 countries across 4 regional zones broken down into 2 main time zones, with a large audience and a specific aim of developing leadership skills.

Kirsten delivered a very thoughtful and balanced program in a very intimate and realistic manner, connecting real stories to the learning journey.

Feedback was tremendous, appreciating Kirsten unique and very personalised method of delivery. Kirsten was delighted to have also shared the stage with Sir Clive Woodward during the event and I loved the way she was able to blend some of his messages into her session almost seamlessly helping the audience connect the dots.

Highly professional and engaging, highly recommended.

Gary Nunn

Head of Enterprise L&D EMEA, MetLife

- Gary Lunn

Want to find out more?

Download my free Corporate Training Brochure to find out more about how my insightful & engaging training can support your firms’ leadership objectives.

Or book a call so we can discuss how I can help

"I highly recommend Kirsten as a facilitator."

I had the opportunity to work with her on one of my leadership development programs for high-potential employees. During Kirsten’s facilitation of several different sessions, I especially loved the energy and passion she brought to all participants – she created a very engaging environment for learning, sharing and even questioning in the class. The way she responded to everyone, and offered appropriate comments made all participants feel heard and respected, which was very aligned with our organizational culture. Her insightful suggestions to participants also contributed a lot to a high satisfaction of participants. And she kept enough flexibility to follow the flow and energy in the class, to maximize the effectiveness of different activities.

"Kirsten is a brilliant & professional facilitator, and a very nice person to work with! ”

- Emily Lvqiu Yichun

Global Leadership Development Lead, Novo Nordisk

But Kirsten!

I don't want coaching or facilitation, but I AM interested in booking you as a speaker or as a podcast guest...?

That’s great! Hit the link below to visit my Speaking & Podcast page.

Want to learn more?

Download my free Corporate Coaching & Corporate Training Brochures


The Birthday Suit

The Naked Newsletter for Corporates Who Want to Help Their Female Leaders Succeed

Slip into something more comfortable with my monthly email for Managers, Leaders, HR & Wellbeing: The Birthday Suit.  You’ll get exposure to the bare essentials that will help your female leaders go from struggling to leading & delivering with confidence.  Don’t be clothes-minded – your email address is safe with me, and you can strip off the list at any time.


"Learning in Law" Recommended Provider

Any questions?

I do coach men and women – in fact, about a third of my clients are men.  I specialise in coaching women, but men suffer with Imposter Syndrome, or with struggling to define the kind of leader they want to be, just as much as women.  So I am able (and delighted!) to help them, if they feel I have the coaching skills they are looking for.

I coach and train leaders at all levels: from a first leadership role, all the way up to Managing/ Executive Director of an organisation.  While the scale of the issues might be different, the issues are often very similar: how to manage your Mindset so that you are showing up feeling confident, capable and empowered; how to plug skill gaps that you’ve now discovered you have. You can feel lost in your role at any level – and that’s where I can help.

Absolutely!  In fact I love building up long-term, deep relationships with organisations: when I get a deeper understanding of the particular opportunities and challenges of a specific organisation, that helps make coaching even more efficient.  I can place the issues raised during the coaching session more effectively into the specific context, and also use the appropriate language, which helps make coaching more relevant.

Coaching and mentoring are both very powerful tools.  Coaching is when an expert in the coaching process asks questions to help the coachee find the answer for themselves.  Mentoring is when an expert in a skillset or industry helps the mentee by using coaching questions, but also (where appropriate) offering specific guidance.  I do a bit of both: I get my coaching tools from my coaching training and experience; and I get my mentoring tools through my experience & expertise in the full range of leadership skills.  Part of the magic is knowing when to use which one – and that comes from a combination of instinct and experience, and is different for different individuals.  Even when facilitating I use a combination: both coaching the audience to find the answer; and providing an extra layer of insight from my leadership expertise.

Please download my Corporate Coaching Brochure for more information specifically on my Corporate Coaching, or my Corporate Facilitation Brochure for more information specifically on my Corporate Facilitation.  Or you can explore my Learn More section to get a better understanding of me, my coaching & training style & philosophy, and the results I get from my clients.  You can also book a free Corporate Consultation by clicking here.  This is an opportunity for you to explain your organisational needs, and for us to discuss how I might best help you achieve your goals.

Please click here to book a call directly into my diary.  If you can’t find a suitable time, please get in touch and I would be happy to juggle something to fit!

After my academic career (two degrees from Oxford University) and then my Civil Service career (a decade operating at senior management levels in the Foreign Office, Cabinet Office, Home Office, and then in the National Crime Agency), I retrained as a coach.

I chose to retrain with Dr Phil Parker to achieve a Clinical Diploma in Coaching, Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.  When I was researching training providers, I took taster sessions to assess the benefits of different organisations’ coaching training.  Dr Phil is a world-renowned coach, and is the designer of the Lightning Process, which cured me of my chronic fatigue, so I knew the effectiveness of his tools and techniques in that field. Dr Phil Parker’s coaching training was the only one that I felt approached coaching with an understanding of neuroscience at its core.  And crucially, I experienced how effectively his tools could tackle underlying limiting beliefs when he cured me from being a “late person” to being an “on-time person” in just 20 minutes, after I’d been struggling with it ever since my teenage years.  I wanted to make sure I had the best possible tools to help my clients achieve their goals, and I know from personal experience that unless you resolve the unconscious blocks, you won’t get there, so I chose to train with him.  (And seeing the incredible results I can get for my clients using these tools, I’ve not regretted it once!)

Prices are bespoke to each organisation, depending on your requirements.  Corporate Coaching prices start at £2000 for a coaching package for one person; and Corporate Facilitation starts at £1500 per day for a bespoke delivery.

I have a large number of testimonials available under the Testimonials heading on my website, and also on my LinkedIn profile.  If you want to speak directly to someone who has employed my services for their organisation, I’d be happy to put you in touch.

I’m very happy to do both!  I am able to bring your material to life with my warm & energetic style – I have been doing this for HSBC for years now.  But I also love designing & delivering my own bespoke workshops.  I’ve done this successfully in my own business, and also for other organisations. To discuss your requirements and how I can help, please book a Corporate Consultation.

DISC is an incredibly powerful behavioural profiling system that enables individuals to understand themselves and their style preferences better.  It’s also fantastic as a tool to use with teams, to understand different preferences and how they can work better together.  For more information, please download my Corporate Facilitation Brochure.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (or NLP for short) is a development framework where you look at the language we use, and how they are affecting our beliefs.  There is a fabulous quote by Russ Kyle (a fellow coach) who says, “watch what you tell yourself, you’re likely to believe it”.  And if we can learn how to recognise what we’re saying to ourselves and learn how to change it for the better, it can have an enormously positive impact.  This is another part of my toolkit, as with hypnotherapy, and I will use it with clients when I feel it is going to help them achieve their goals.  And from personal experience overcoming my own Imposter, I know how incredibly powerful these techniques are.  But as ever, your journey is unique, and I will not force you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.

The one major benefit from the pandemic is that we are all now used to working virtually.  There are definite downsides – Zoom/ Teams fatigue is real!  But the advantages are incredible: not only the convenience of not having to travel, but also the way you can bring people together across geographies/ business areas.  I’ve had up to 10 countries represented in a session of 25 people, and the energy that creates is very valuable.  I’ve also found you can still create an incredibly warm and collaborative dynamic in a virtual “room”.  


Personally I prefer working virtually most of the time because of these advantages, plus it fits best with my life living in rural Suffolk (east England) with a young daughter.  However, there are some occasions where I think face-to-face is preferable, and that’s for sessions of one day or more.  It’s hard to maintain focus online for that length of time, and with a longer session like that it is helpful to have the “water cooler moments” outside the room, which are harder in a virtual space.  


So my recommendation: virtual is brilliant for 4 hour (ie half day) sessions or less; but choose face-to-face for anything longer.  Please note for coaching sessions I only work virtually, unless specifically arranged with an organisation (additional fees will apply).

I can work on both for coaching or facilitation, but if I am able to choose, I prefer Zoom – I find it more user-friendly, and it’s what I use in my own coaching business.