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How to Keep Going During Tough Times (Even With Imposter Syndrome)

It’s bad out there.

It’s completely understandable if you feel you’re walking a tightrope at the moment:

– just about hanging in there but worrying at any moment you’ll fall off 😬

And this is exacerbated if you have Imposter Syndrome – you are already so challenged internally, that this extra pressure can feel like it’s going to tip you over the edge 😩

So in today’s blog, I’m going to give you some tips to help you stay balanced πŸ’–

1. Manage your self-talk

Don’t let your brain make the situation worse.

Your brain is not always your friend – thoughts can come that are really unhelpful:

😩 “You can’t cope…”

😩 “You can’t do this…”

😩 “You are going to fail…”

And when you suffer from Imposter Syndrome, the current climate will be making your inner critic worse…

Remember, YOU get to CHOOSE the thoughts you allow to take root in your head.

With the power of neuroplasticity, the more you think a thought, the more likely you are to think it again in the future.

So don’t let that be those negative thoughts!

Instead, choose an empowering thought that works for you –

my favourite at the moment: I tell myself, YOU’VE GOT THIS.

And repeat!


And whenever you get an unhelpful thought.

Make THAT the neural pathway that’s strengthened.

Remember: YOU’VE GOT THIS πŸ’ͺπŸ”₯

2. Celebrate successes, however small

It may not feel like it, but every day there WILL be little Wins.

Whether that’s a successful moment in homeschooling…

…or a meeting that went unexpectedly well πŸ’ͺ

These can be so small that you don’t notice them…

But CHOOSE to notice them, and they will accumulate to remind you that you ARE getting through this.

This is something that my clients with Imposter Syndrome can struggle with: they are far more used to being self-critical than self-congratulatory…

But with practice, it will get easier.

And it’s really worth practising.

So mine from this week:

βœ… getting on with my tax return (the relief!)

βœ… fabulous client sessions (always a joy πŸ’–)

βœ… my daughter enjoying her first full week of online learning (THANK YOU Mrs Guntrip)

βœ… a tasty fish pie (such a faff, but a happy family…)

βœ… and finally no more Quality Street left! (Just the toffee penny, which doesn’t tempt me πŸ˜‚)

Get in the habit of doing this daily, for example using habit-stacking:

🌟 every night as you brush your teeth, think about three things you have achieved that day.

Or if you find it helpful, write it in a journal (I am newly converted to journalling, I find writing things out so powerful).

Take the time to remind yourself of all the ways YOU’VE GOT THIS.

3. Fill your tank

It takes energy to make the best decisions about your thoughts; and to recognise your wins.

Think about when you’re starving – do you make the effort to make a nutritious meal, or do you reach for a biscuit just to keep you going…

The same happens with energy levels: when you’re depleted, there’s nothing there to help you make good choices about your mental health.

That’s why it’s so important that you find a way of safeguarding some energy so that you can manage your self-talk, and celebrate your successes.

Again, when you have Imposter Syndrome you aren’t always that great at looking after your own needs, often putting everyone else first.

I find the idea of a tank, or battery, which you fill or charge up, very helpful.

So what fills your tank?

For me (and I know this isn’t original, but it works for me…): a long bath and an early night 😊

Enough rest is so fundamental to my wellbeing – as soon as I get tired, I start making unhelpful decisions that impact negatively on my wellbeing.

So I prioritise my sleep.

(And after a disturbed night last night – my daughter coming in with a nightmare at 3.30am – I will be doing this tonight 😴)

Choose at least one way that you fill your tank, and make that a promise to yourself.

You will balance on that tightrope so much more easily with a full tank (if that isn’t an unhelpfully mixed metaphor!).


So remember:

1️⃣ keep saying to yourself, YOU’VE GOT THIS.

2️⃣ choose to recognise all the ways, however small, that this is TRUE

3️⃣ FILL YOUR TANK, so you have the energy to do these.

Tough times can be even harder when you struggle with Imposter Syndrome.

Your negative voice is already so strong, it gets exacerbated by the challenging context, plus your resilience is lower… 😞

So if you want any additional support at this difficult time, you know where I am.

Message me to book your free intro call, email me on kirsten@kirstengoodwin.co.uk


Kirsten Goodwin

The Naked Confidenceβ„’ Coach

Hired to help female leaders feeling the pain and pressure of their position. Transforming your Mindset AND Skillset πŸ”₯ Banish your Imposter, and find your way, your confidence, & your edge.

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Kirsten Goodwin

Hi, I’m Kirsten Goodwin

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