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I couldn’t believe it!

Kirsten Goodwin | Naked Confidence Coach

There I was, sitting across the table from two senior partners of a serious global law firm, asking them about their experience of Imposter Syndrome.

And this conversation was being live streamed to over 200 people across the world, with more watching the recording afterwards 😲

As one of the participants said, this wouldn’t have happened 10 years ago…

And to be honest, I can’t think of many occasions where it happens now 🤷‍♀️

For two such senior individuals (a man and a woman, one a KC) to be open about their struggles was deeply impressive 🤩

And for the organisation itself to be so supportive felt remarkable 🙌

When I first suffered from the debilitating impacts of my Imposter Syndrome – the chronic fatigue, the panic attacks – I covered them up, ashamed of what I thought people would judge to be a “weakness” 🥺

And that was partly because of a fear in me, but also partly because the culture 20 years ago was a bit less understanding.

What this week demonstrated to me is how far the conversation has moved.

And that is something truly to be celebrated! 😄🎉

And we wouldn’t have made those changes without individuals being willing to be open about what they’re going through.

Being willing to be vulnerable 🧡

Brené Brown has written extensively about the power of vulnerability in leaders. 

One commentator describes her conclusion as:

“leaders who create the space for true vulnerability build psychologically safe work environments in which people feel welcome to be themselves. We’ve learned that when people are willing to be authentic at work, they’re also more willing to take creative risks, share their perspectives without fear of a consequence, and make valuable contributions that can only be expressed within a culture that values trust and inclusion.”

So leaders role modelling vulnerability doesn’t just create a positive culture – it delivers positive outcomes for the business 🔥

So three cheers to those two leaders for being willing to share their stories! 😄🎉👏

The feedback from across the organisation was overwhelmingly positive

– and I believe it will have made a difference both to individuals also struggling, and to the nature of the conversation in the firm as a whole 😊✨

I encourage you to follow their example

– it may not always be easy, but being open about what you’re going through gives others permission to be open too. 

And that connection is a powerful positive for you, and for your organisation 🥰

Remember, struggling with Imposter Syndrome doesn’t mean you’re bad at your job.  Often it’s the reverse – Imposter Syndrome is felt more by high-achievers than the opposite.

Yes, there may be gaps in your skillset that are exacerbating your Imposter Syndrome (and these can be fixed!).

But fundamentally what Imposter Syndrome really means is having a voice in your head that is unhelpful to you

– an Inner Critic undermining you, rather than an Inner Cheerleader empowering you 😔

And that is not a judgement on you, or your abilities.

(In fact, it shows how amazing you are that you’re achieving IN SPITE of that undermining voice… 😉)

So join the conversation – share your struggles – support each other! 😄

And most of all, remember that that unhelpful voice is something you CAN change 😊🔥💪

Wishing you a positive, productive, and POWER OF VULNERABILITY-filled week! 😄🔥💪  

with much love 😊🧡

Kirsten xx

Kirsten Goodwin

The Naked Confidence™ Coach

Hired to help female leaders feeling the pain and pressure of their position. Transforming your Mindset AND Skillset 🔥 Banish your Imposter, and find your way, your confidence, & your edge.

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Kirsten Goodwin

Hi, I’m Kirsten Goodwin

I’m an expert in helping struggling, professional women banish their Imposter Syndrome and build the Mindset & Skillset for leadership success.  I do this by

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