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Is that a monster?

Kirsten Goodwin | Naked Confidence Coach

A long time ago, there was a man who was fascinated by the moon and the stars 🌙✨

To be able to look at them more closely, he spent a long time designing and building a telescope 🔭

This was a real labour of love.

💪 He had to make glass using sand and heat, which he then ground down to make the lenses.

💪 He had to explain to the blacksmith exactly what kind of a shape he wanted to fit them into, and help him make it.

💪 He had to go to the forest to chop down a tree, and then use the wood to build a stand for his metal casing containing his glass lenses.

💪 He then had to fit it all together – until he had a wonderful telescope, just as he’d imagined 😄

He was so excited to use his telescope for the first time! 🎉

He waited impatiently for night to fall… 

Finally, when it was dark, he bent down, put his eye to the eyepiece and looked at the moon for the very first time… 🌔

And he saw, on the bright shining moon, a huge creature with six spindly legs! 😬

He gasped!  He couldn’t believe it – now that he had this telescope he could see – there was a monster on the moon!  😱

He called his family and neighbours to come to see it as well.

They bent down, looked through the eyepiece, and then marvelled at the monster.  It looked so big and scary! 😲

Thank goodness it was miles away, on the moon…

The man’s wife now took her turn at the telescope.

She too saw the monster – but rather than exclaiming, she went quiet.  She looked again 🤔

She went round to the other end of the telescope, and looked in the bottom.

The others laughed at her: “what are you doing? You can’t see anything from that end!”.

Then she took the telescope out of its stand, prised out the glass lens, and shook the casing.

Out onto the floor fell a tiny spider…

The power of perspective 😊💪✨

Especially important when times are tough 🧡

Wishing you a positive, productive, and PERSPECTIVE-filled week! 😊🔥💪  

with much love 😊🧡

Kirsten xx

Kirsten Goodwin

The Naked Confidence™ Coach

Hired to help female leaders feeling the pain and pressure of their position. Transforming your Mindset AND Skillset 🔥 Banish your Imposter, and find your way, your confidence, & your edge.

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