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You’ve GOT THIS!

Kirsten Goodwin | Naked Confidence Coach

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a group of frogs, living in a pond 🐸🐸🐸

These frogs were happy: their time was spent splashing around in the water; catching flies; and playing games 🥰

Then one day, they decided upon a new game.  On the edge of their pond was a tall tower – and the frogs decided to have a race to the very top of the tall tower.  The winner would be acclaimed as the bravest and strongest frog in the pond! 🗼

Other animals heard about the race, and got excited. Of course none of the frogs would be able to get to the top – that was far too difficult. But it would be funny watching them try 😆

But a toad that also lived near the frogs, decided that she not only wanted to watch – she liked a challenge, she wanted to join in…

Race Day dawned! 😄🎉

The animals gathered together at the base of the tower, watching the frogs and the toad limber up before their mammoth climb.

“I can’t believe they’re actually going to try to do this”, said a rabbit to a hedgehog. “I know!,” said the hedgehog. “Have they not seen how tall the tower is – of course none of them are going to make it!” 😯

The badger, as the animals’ senior representative, counted down: “3…2…1…GO!”

And they were off! 🎉

The frogs and the toad hopped their way into the tower, and started jumping up the giant steps spiraling away above them.

The frogs were better at jumping than the toad, and soon left her behind.  But it was really hard jumping up those giant steps… 😩

Outside, they could hear the other animals talking to one another: “Where are they now? How long do you think it will be before the first one gives up?”  “Not long! I don’t think they’ll make it past a few steps – and no-one will get past 10!”

The frogs kept going, but as a result of hearing these comments, the steps felt even higher, and the task ahead even harder… 😫

The animals outside started to shout up the tower, “Don’t bother with all this effort! It’s such a long way, and it was only a bit of fun. Why don’t you just give up and come down now?” 🤷‍♀️

The first frog gave up. “Sensible choice!” shouted a mouse. “There’s no point carrying on!”

And so another frog gave up. And another. But the toad kept going slowly and steadily up… 💪

One by one, the frogs gave up, to hop disconsolately back down the tower. Until all that was left was the toad – who had started far behind the others, but who was slowly, slowly, still climbing.

The chorus of shouts grew louder, now including the frogs who had given up: “You’ll never make it!”; “Come down and don’t be silly!”; “You’re going to hurt yourself!” 🤨

But nothing seemed to discourage the toad. And eventually, after a huge effort, she got to the top of the tower.

A fabulous view greeted her:

✨ she could see the other animals, like tiny specks far below

✨ she could see the pond where she and the frogs lived, near the tower

✨ and she could see the landscape like she’d never seen it before: the rolling fields; the misty mountains in the distance; and everything was glowing in the light of the setting sun ☀️

It was beautiful 😍

She breathed in the view, and her sense of satisfaction and achievement – and started hopping back down the tower.

At the bottom, the other animals were amazed: how had this tiny toad managed to keep going, when all the frogs had given up? 😲

When she reached the bottom, the rabbit asked her directly: “Toad, how did you find the strength to climb that tower?”

But the toad just smiled back. She couldn’t hear the question – or any of the discouragement that the animals had been shouting.

All she had was her internal voice, which had kept encouraging her onwards – because she was deaf 😊

With this story in mind, it’s worth considering:

🤔 Your internal voice – is it like the toad’s, encouraging you on?

🤔 Or is it like the other animals, telling you that it’s too hard?

🤔 Which is more helpful to you in your career…?

And if you want to do something about it, I am happy to support you!😉

Wishing you a positive, productive, and CHEERLEADER INTERNAL VOICE-filled week! 😊🔥💪  

with much love! 😎🧡

Kirsten xx

Kirsten Goodwin

The Naked Confidence™ Coach

Hired to help female leaders feeling the pain and pressure of their position. Transforming your Mindset AND Skillset 🔥 Banish your Imposter, and find your way, your confidence, & your edge.

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