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How Much Does Imposter Syndrome/ Career Confidence Coaching Cost?

Are you thinking about getting coaching to solve your Imposter Syndrome or career confidence issues, but you just don’t know what you can afford? 🤔

There are so many different options out there, and it can be really confusing 🤷‍♀️

This blog is here to help!

In it, you will find out the different types of coaching support you can get, the pros and cons of each, and of course the cost.

Plus I give you some key questions to consider, so that you can work out which would be the right option for you.

I hope you find it helpful 😁

If you have any further questions at the end, please get in touch and I’ll do my best to answer them (and add them to this blog to help others too 💖).

So read on to find out more… 😊

1. Written/ audio/ video information

There are so many written sources of information about career confidence/ Imposter Syndrome coaching, from printed books to ebooks to academic articles to blogs on fora such as Medium, to my own blogs!

When you add in podcasts, Clubhouse chats, Facebook groups, and YouTube videos, there is a plethora of free or very low cost material out there.

Some of these will be lengthy, some shorter; some might include exercises or worksheets for you to do.


  • Easy to dip into
  • A good way to discover different schools of thought/ approaches
  • Low commitment
  • Can easily fit into work/ life
  • Low cost.


  • Not personalised at all, so lower chance of transformation
  • No accountability, so lower chance of implementation
  • No group support.


Very low cost, from free to c £15.

2. Online training course

Online training can range from a series of short videos, to a longer course with videos and worksheets supported by eg a Facebook group.

You might get access to all the videos at the same time; or they might be drip-fed over a period of time.


  • More in-depth and focussed than the above
  • Usually have more concrete exercises/ actions for you to take
  • The possibility of some personalised feedback via a group communication (eg a Facebook group)
  • Usually short chunks of learning you can fit into your life easily
  • Fairly low cost.


  • Still a one-size fits all approach
  • Very little opportunity for personalised coaching
  • Usually no accountability.


Can be fairly low cost: can range (depending on expert) from c£27 to c£497+.

3. Group coaching

Group coaching is different to an online course in that the key delivery mechanism of the coaching will be live, rather than through recorded videos.

It will usually be scheduled for a particular frequency (so weekly/ fortnightly/ monthly calls, for 3 months/ 6 months/ 1 year).

Some forms of group coaching are also combined with online materials.

They may include short periods of time focussed specifically on you (such as the “hot seat” format in a Mastermind, where each member gets a short period of time just on them each week/ fortnight/ month).


  • You do get live interaction with the expert
  • Some (limited) personalisation
  • Accountability from the coach
  • You are more likely to be committed to do it if you are scheduled to turn up at specific times
  • Group support and bonding with your peers
  • Possible support between sessions through a WhatsApp or Facebook group.


  • No in-depth personalised coaching
  • Restricted schedule to which you have to fit (both on timing of sessions & their length, and how long the coaching lasts for)
  • Little opportunity to set priorities for the coaching – the format will usually be fixed by the expert
  • You might not enjoy working with a group.


Varies hugely depending on what’s included, and the expert leading the course. At its most basic, group coaching could cost c£50 per session for one hour per month for six months, ie c£300. At its most complex, eg a Mastermind, it could run up to £4,000+ for six months.

4. 1:1 Coaching

This is the most tailored form of coaching, where you work 1:1 with a coach.

Even then there are a range of experiences.

Some coaches work to defined numbers of coaching sessions; others deliver coaching sessions in an ongoing basis.

Some coaching sessions are 55 minutes; others are 90 minutes +.

Some include between-session contact, or additional services such as online courses or personality profiles; others don’t.

Be careful to look at the detail of what’s being offered so you are very clear about what’s included.


  • The most personalised and tailored form of coaching
  • Dates and times of sessions will be set to suit you
  • The most efficient and effective way to get transformational results that stick
  • No distractions from others in a group


  • the most expensive form of coaching
  • if you enjoy working as part of a group, 1:1 coaching doesn’t include this support


This can range wildly, depending on the coach and what’s being offered.

The most inexpensive is likely to be in the region of £75 per hour session going up to anywhere beyond £1000+ per hour session.

It also depends on the number of sessions you have – a one off Power Hour is likely to be cheaper, but more expensive per hour than the equivalent price of an hour’s coaching with the same coach as part of a Programme.

What I offer

You can find a significant amount of free written and audio resources on this website.

However, my main focus is on delivering 1:1 coaching to ambitions professional women who want to transform their Imposter Syndrome into Naked Confidence™.

My 1:1 coaching is tailored to you – while there are certain themes I find clients can have in common, your journey is unique to you.

My signature programme involves 6 months of online coaching, with homework (practising the tools you learn in the sessions, plus worksheets as appropriate).

There is also a significant amount of between-session support via WhatsApp and email, plus I include a DISC personality profile (see here for more information on DISC).

I have in the past delivered both online courses and group coaching, and may again in the future; but I find the style I love the most is the one that delivers the most transformational results for my clients – and that will always be 1:1 coaching.

Most of my clients’ companies pay for their coaching – I can help you create a business case for this.

If you’d like to find out more, including to discuss your investment and payments options, I offer a free initial call to discuss how I might help you. You can also read more about it in my blog post, “Everything You Need to Know About My Imposter Syndrome Career Coaching“.

Please email me, or book into my calendar here:

So which is the best option for you?

Now you have the information, it’s time to think about what would work best for you.

Key factors to consider:

  • the time you have available
  • how good you are at making progress on your own
  • whether you enjoy the support of a group
  • what you’re actually getting for your money
  • the qualifications, experience and recommendations of the coach
  • the scale and impact of the transformation you are hoping to achieve (what’s it worth to you?)

And of course your budget also comes into this: how much can you actually afford? Or can you get support to help you pay for it?

Just remember, spending £20 on a book you don’t read, or £500 on an online course you never do, is a much worse financial decision than spending £5000 on something that will change your life, permanently, for the better.

Ultimately it’s all about your goals.

🌟 what do you want to achieve from coaching, and which route is most likely to deliver that to you?


I hope you’ve found this helpful! Remember if you do have any extra questions, do please get in touch: kirsten@kirstengoodwin.co.uk.

And if you’d like to find out more about my coaching, don’t forget you can email me to arrange a free initial call, or book into my calendar here.

Wishing you a positive, productive and Nakedly Confident week! 😁🔥💪

with much love 💖

Kirsten xx

Kirsten Goodwin

The Naked Confidence™ Coach

Hired to help female leaders feeling the pain and pressure of their position. Transforming your Mindset AND Skillset 🔥 Banish your Imposter, and find your way, your confidence, & your edge.

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Kirsten Goodwin

Hi, I’m Kirsten Goodwin

I’m an expert in helping struggling, professional women banish their Imposter Syndrome and build the Mindset & Skillset for leadership success.  I do this by

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